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Palazzo Ratta Agucchi

The spacious porticoed building that extends from Piazza Galvani as far as Via D’Azeglio is the result of the transformation of a series of properties that culminated in a real estate dispute around 1861, resulting from the Municipality's decision to expropriate the unit. The sixteenth-century nucleus, belonging to the Dolfi family, became the ideal model based on which Coriolano Monti elaborated his building project for residential and commercial use, taking advantage of the comfort of the spacious portico. The façade treatment is original for post-unity Bologna, decorated with a two-tone pattern in yellow and red that simulates a diamond-tipped ashlar vestment.
@tourer/Franco Benfenati

Daniele Pascale Guidotti Magnani, Palazzo Ratta Agucchi, via Farini 2-4-6, in Giornate Nazionali ADSI, Bologna, 2011, pp.32-33

Photo by 1Cinquantesimo