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Santo Stefano e Mercanzia


Santo Stefano e Mercanzia

Santo Stefano e Mercanzia

This component comprises the Santo Stefano Basilica and the surrounding architectural fabric. The ensemble highlights the relationship between the senatorial residential purpose of the palaces and the public purpose of the square, with the portico in between. The three-hundred-year old Palazzo della Mercanzia with its monumental loggia also presents a portico of exceptional architectural value.

The porticoes of the late medieval and renaissance palaces included in this component are expressions of a greatly refined architectural culture, both in their overall design and in their individual old-style constituent architectural elements (columns, bases, capitals, vaults, etc.). The residential, commercial and religious purposes of this component have remained unchanged for more than 800 years. The Palazzo della Mercanzia is now the headquarters of the Chamber of Commerce, Industry, Handicraft and Agriculture of Bologna.

Santo Stefano e Mercanzia
Santo Stefano e Mercanzia

Point of interest


Piazza Santo Stefano

Piazza Santo Stefano

Piazza Santo Stefano does not exist. What everyone refers to as a "square" is, in actual fact, a widening of the road at the end...

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facciata della basilica di santo stefano

Basilica of Santo Stefano

Basilica of Santo Stefano

This is the most important example of sacred Romanesque architecture in Bologna. It is composed of a complex of open and closed sacred areas, traditionally...

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vista delle facciate degli edifici

Case Beccadelli Bovi

Case Beccadelli Bovi

Formerly belonging to the Beccadelli family before passing on to the Bovio or Bovi families, the building at no. 17 features a portico with an...

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palazzo isolani via santo stefano 16

Palazzo Lupari Isolani

Palazzo Lupari Isolani

The original nucleus, once owned by the Fiessi family and then the Lupari family, was inherited by the Isolani family in 1701, and from 1708...

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fronte del palazzo

Palazzo Bolognini Isolani

Palazzo Bolognini Isolani

The portico is the work of Pagno di Lapo Portigiani and Antonio di Simone Fiorentino, master stone masons mentioned in a contract dating back to...

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@archivio mibact da tourer

Casa Cavalli, formerly Bianchini

Casa Cavalli, formerly Bianchini

The portico dates back to the 16th century. A print from the Panfili collection attests that it was composed of just two arches and remained...

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@giorgio bianchi

Palazzo Salina Amorini Bolognini

Palazzo Salina Amorini Bolognini

The first phases of the building activities started at the end of the 15th century. Between 1513 and 1525, work was carried out on the...

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facciata del palazzo

Loggia della Mercanzia

Loggia della Mercanzia

This was seat of the mediaeval customs and merchants’ court. Construction began in 1384 thanks to the intervention of Lorenzo da Bagnomarino, who supervised the...

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Check out the contributions related to this component

Piazza Santo Stefano in an eighteenth-century drawing from the Fabbriche di Bologna by Gaetano Ferratini

@ Biblioteca Comunale dell'Archiginnasio