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The Porticoes star in a short film

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The porticoes of Bologna, a UNESCO World Heritage Property, are the star attraction of the short film Architrame made by the students of the Advanced Training Course in Photo and Video Reportage techniques of the Fondazione Cineteca di Bologna.
The video had its origins in a study of the architecture of the porticoes and the memories they contain: tales that come to life under the ancient arches of the city, bearing witness to an indelible passage of time marked by stories and colours.

The Fondazione Cineteca di Bologna was accredited by the Emilia-Romagna Region as a filmmaking training institute in 2015. It organises advanced training courses each year, supported by the European Social Fund and the Region itself.

The photo and video reportage advanced training course was approved and included in the 2020 educational offer, aimed at training dynamic and innovative professional figures and giving them technical and artistic mastery of the two main image-based disciplines: photography and video.  

The course, teaching theoretical and practical aspects through classroom teaching and project modules, also includes a business project created in tandem with the Municipality of Bologna (Economy and Employment Area - U.I. Enhancement of the Historic Urban Landscape and Porticoes). The course leaders are Fulvio Bugani (photographer and photojournalist) and Roberto Beani (Atlas Film).

The business project replaced the company internship sessions planned for the course; they turned out to be unfeasible due to the pandemic, which made it impossible to place participants in work situations.

This type of activity allowed the trainees to independently develop and complete a photographic and video reportage project in accordance with the commissioning bodies’ instructions. An interdisciplinary approach was adopted in the documentation of the porticoes of Bologna, based on a study of town planning, history, demography, and the tourism value of the places.


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