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Palazzo Lupari Isolani

The original nucleus, once owned by the Fiessi family and then the Lupari family, was inherited by the Isolani family in 1701, and from 1708 became the subject of a substantial transformation based on a design by Giuseppe Antonio Torri. In 1778, however, only the noble level was inhabited and the envisaged works, which would have involved the two neighbouring buildings, were never launched.
“The façade is characteristic of a design method that was still popular in the middle of the Baroque period, and does not abandon the typical 16th century shapes: the portico is supported by quadrangular plastered brick pillars that look like ashlar stone; simple quadrangular blocks are used in place of the bases and capitals and give the whole architecture a rustic and rather severe character”
(D. Pascale Guidotti Magnani, Il portico bolognese, page 121)
palazzo isolani via santo stefano 16

F. Ceccarelli, D. Pascale Guidotti Magnani, Il portico bolognese. Storia, architettura, città, Bologna, Bononia University Press, 2021, p. 121