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Sanctuary of Baraccano

The Sanctuary of Santa Maria del Baraccano was commissioned by Giovanni I Bentivoglio. It is one of the many chapels built next to the city walls, in this case to shelter and protect an image of the Madonna and Child that was considered to have miraculous powers.
In 1524 a portico was added to the original construction.
In 1682 Agostino Barelli was commissioned to build the dome.
Due to the unique shape of the layout, there is no apse on the inside, and it is adorned with precious frescoes by Francesco del Cossa and by Prospero and Lavinia Fontana.
front of the church

M. Fini, Bologna sacra. Tutte le chiese in due millenni di storia, Bologna, Pendragon, 2007
F. Ceccarelli, D. Pascale Guidotti Magnani, Il portico bolognese. Storia, architettura, città, Bologna, Bononia University Press, 2021, p. 98.

Photo by 1Cinquantesimo