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Beata Vergine di San Luca Basilica and Sanctuary

At the end of the long porticoed route we finally reach the Sanctuary. Contrary to the similar Basilica of Superga, to which the Bologna building was been paired in terms of landscape value, it has no traditional façade. Instead, the portico, in front of the entrance, lengthens its arms into the large square opposite with a sinuous curve ending at the two peaks punctuated by two niches similar to the Bonaccorsi Arch from whence it all began.
The creator of the design was Carlo Francesco Dotti, who erected the Basilica starting from 1723 on a previous 15th century framework, with building work continuing for a long time until 1743. The external niches are the work of his son Gian Giacomo, who finished them in 1774 following his father’s drawings.
veduta panoramica del santuario della beata vergine di san luca

A.M. Matteucci, Carlo Francesco Dotti e l’architettura bolognese del Settecento, Bologna, Alfa, 1968, passim
F. Ceccarelli, D. Pascale Guidotti Magnani, Il portico bolognese. Storia, architettura, città, Bologna, Bononia University Press, 2021, p. 129
Carlo De Angelis, I portici di San Luca e della Certosa e porta Saragozza: un sistema costruito per la città e il territorio, in La Madonna di San Luca in Bologna. Otto secoli di storia, di arte e di fede, a cura di Mario Fanti e Giancarlo Roversi, Bologna, Cassa di Risparmio in Bologna, 1993, pp. 175-184
Guida al Portico di San Luca. Dal Meloncello al Santuario, a cura di Alessandra Cleri, Bologna, Editrice compositori, 2008 

Photo: Wildlab per Bologna Welcome