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Bonaccorsi Arch

The honorary arch-shaped construction open on all sides emphasises the start of the suburban flatland section of the portico of San Luca. The arch was built in a sober style that foregoes the over-abundant architectural decorations typical of the baroque period in which it was erected. Like much of Bologna’s architecture, it instead turns to the ostentation of a subdued neo-16th century form.
It is the work of Gian Giacomo Monti, the architect responsible for the design of the portico’s layout. It was initially planned on the other side of the street with openings facing north.
The building of the arch dates to 1675.
vista dell'arco bonaccorsi da porta saragozza foto 1cinquantesimo

A.M. Matteucci, Carlo Francesco Dotti e l’architettura bolognese del Settecento, Bologna, Alfa, 1968, passim

F. Ceccarelli, D. Pascale Guidotti Magnani, Il portico bolognese. Storia, architettura, città, Bologna, Bononia University Press, 2021, pp. 127 e s.
Carlo De Angelis, I portici di San Luca e della Certosa e porta Saragozza: un sistema costruito per la città e il territorio, in La Madonna di San Luca in Bologna. Otto secoli di storia, di arte e di fede, a cura di Mario Fanti e Giancarlo Roversi, Bologna, Cassa di Risparmio in Bologna, 1993, pp. 175-184
Guida al Portico di San Luca. Dal Meloncello al Santuario, a cura di Alessandra Cleri, Bologna, Editrice compositori, 2008

Photo: 1Cinquantesimo