Carlo Francesco Dotti, the architect of the Sanctuary of San Luca, was commissioned by Pope Lambertini to rebuild the main chapel in 1748. This was then adorned with a new marble altar by Alfonso Torreggiani, and an exceptionally high-quality pipe organ. The chapels boasted frescoes and paintings of the Bolognese school, while a most unusual decision was made to appoint a modern painter, Eliseo Fumagalli from Valtellina, to decorate the vault between 1936 and 1938.
M.B. Bettazzi, Chiesa di Santa Maria Maggiore, in Bologna. Guida di architettura, progetto editoriale e fotografie di Lorenzo Capellini, coordinamento editoriale di Giuliano Gresleri, Torino, U. Allemandi, 2004, p. 130.
Photo: 1Cinquantesimo