association CENTRO STUDI FARINELLI is established by its members distinguished
in the following categories: 1)Founders 1)
Founders are considered the people who took part in the constitutive deed or
those who are coopted by the Board of Directors under such qualification. 2)
Ordinary and Contributing members are the individual or legal persons who are
interested in the pursuit of the social purposes, who apply for this and are
accepted by the Managing Board. Ordinary and Contributing members have to put
down a sum as an associative subscription which is fixed by the Board of
Directors every year. 3)
Onorary members are the natural or legal persons, coopted in the course of the
establishment of the association by the founders or later on by the Board of
Directors, whose presence can give the Association particular prestige thanks to
their specific experience and offices held. All
members (except for onorary members) have to contribute yearly the fee stated
for the different categories Members
benefit from the services of the Association by taking part in the events
organized and by receiving information about the activities of the Association.
They can participate actively in the ASSOCIATIVE
members: EUR 25 (Students: EUR 12) The associative subscription has to be paid yearly into bank account at
Intesa Sanpaolo, Filiale
Bologna Pontevecchio, Via Emilia Levante 17/19 - 40123,
Bologna (Italy)