

PREPAIR - Po Regions Engaged to Policies of AIR

The PREPAIR LIFE Integrated project, co-funded by the EU, aims to implement actions in the territory of the Po Valley and Slovenia in order to improve air quality and comply with Dir. 2008/50/EC and the European strategy ‘Clean Air for Europe’.
PREPAIR will also contribute to achieving compliance with the National Emission Ceilings Reduction Commitments.
In line with the Po Basin Agreement and the AQPs, the project is focusing its actions on four main areas – biomass burning, energy efficiency, transport and agriculture – in line with the Po Basin Agreement and the AQPs.
The City of Bologna, in particular, is involved as regards transport and energy efficiency, with the task to carry out concrete actions on the local area and provide promoting and education activities for citizens and schools.

Funding Programme: LIFE Integrated Projects 2015
Start: February 2017
End: January 2024

Prepair Life project

Watch the video on Youtube

Ultimo aggiornamento: giovedì 26 novembre 2020