ENLIGHTENme – the effect of urban lighting on citizens’ health and wellbeing

Studying the effects of public lighting on citizens’ health and wellbeing: this is the aim of the ENLIGHTENme research project, which is part of the new EU cluster on "Urban Health" and includes an interdisciplinary collaboration of 22 international partners from 10 different countries, including the Municipality of Bologna.

The project, coordinated by the University of Bologna, focuses on three European cities to test innovative policies and actions both in the indoor and outdoor lighting sector: in-depth studies are being carried out on target neighborhoods of Bologna, Amsterdam and Tartu, through the creation of "urban lighting laboratories” which involve citizens and experts.

By comparing the impacts of different lighting scenarios, it will be possible to define some criteria and technical requirements to be adopted to guarantee the integration of citizens’ health and wellbeing aspects in urban planning plans.

Funding: HORIZON 2020 Framework Programme for Research and Innovation

Start: March 2021

End: February 2025

Ultimo aggiornamento: martedì 21 novembre 2023