Urban lighting and wellbeing: Bologna in the European project ENLIGHTENme

On March 4th and 5th the European research project ENLIGHTENme, funded through the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme and coordinated by the University of Bologna, was officially launched through an online event.

The project is part of the EU’s new cluster named “Urban Health”, and consists of an inter-disciplinary consortium of 22 partners, among which the City of Bologna, from 10 different countries, which will perform in-depth studies in three European cities and develop innovative, evidence-based policies in the field of urban lighting to improve citizens’ quality of life.

By establishing an “Urban Lighting Lab” in each target district of the three cities – Bologna (Italy), Amsterdam (The Netherlands) and Tartu (Estonia), the project teams will involve citizens and city officials, to explore the impact of urban lighting on health and wellbeing.

ENLIGHTENme will develop over the next four years and will receive a funding of 5 million Euros.



Ultimo aggiornamento: martedì 13 aprile 2021